Grocophile iPhone icon

Grocophile Support

About Grocophile

Grocophile is a product of Idle Loop Software Design, LLC.

System Requirements

Grocophile is compatable with the iPhone and iPod Touch, and requires iOS 3.1.3 or later.

Hints and Tips

We strongly recommend you install the latest system software update on your device. Apple has fixed a number of bugs and thus improved the reliability of all applications, including Grocophile. Staying current with system updates ensures that you have the best possible experience with both built-in and third party applications.

Grocophile only saves your data when you quit by pressing the home button to return to the main iPhone screen. So, when you are entering a lot of new data, it's a good idea to quit and restart Grocophile periodically to make sure you don't lose a bunch of new data in the unlikely event of a crash. The same is true of many other applications.

Reporting Problems

If you have an issue with Grocophile, please send us email at the support address listed below so we can solve the problem. Unfortunately, there's no way for us to reply to complaints placed in comments in the iTunes App Store.

If you have suggestions for Grocophile, we'd love to hear them. If you have a problem with how it's working, or it's not working properly for you, email us and we'll do our best to solve the problem.

When an iPhone or iPod Touch app suddently quits and returns you to the main screen, that means the app crashed. When that happens, a crash report is generated and stored on your device, then transferred to your computer the next time you sync. You will then be prompted to ask if it's OK to send them to Apple. Those crash reports are very helpful to iPhone developers as they generally give us a good idea of what caused the problem, or at least where to look, so we encourage you to allow iTunes to send in those crash reports. Apple will then make them available to us, which helps us track and fix any problems.

Privacy Policy

Grocophile does not collect or share any personal data from our users.


If you have questions about Grocophile or suggestions for improvements, please email [support].